Tuesday, October 17, 2006


We loaded up and took a little vacation to Seattle a couple of weekends ago and had a fabulous time!

It took us a mind (and butt) numbing five hours to get there on Friday, and if you know Brian and me you know how VERY LONG a trip that is for both of us. Neither one of us likes to travel any great distance in a car. We both would prefer to have a private jet or helicopter...anyone want to go halvesies on a PJ or 'copter? No? Why not?

After working the numbness out of our hind parts once we arrived we had a blast and got quite the work out. I never knew the streets of Seattle were on HUGE hills like San Francisco. I think we must have walked at least ten miles on Saturday alone!

Brian and I have the greatest kids on the planet (no offense to any of your children of course)! They behaved so well and we were able to really enjoy ourselves the entire time! We can't wait to do it again!!!

We saw Dori and Nemo at the Seattle Aquarium! They had the coolest exhibit where you could actually touch live star fish, sea cucumbers, sea anemoneas and various other sea creatures. Mac and Brian had a go of it but I opted out!

There were also some really cute little sea otters and seals. We caught the otters during their gourmet meal of clams on the half shell. They were so animated swimming around on their backs with their food perched on their bellies. I always wonder how freeing it would feel to be able to manuever through the water the way they do. I love the feeling of just treading water...I can't imagine how cool it would be to zip through the water like that!

After our bazillion mile hike through the town we took a fun filled ride on the "Ducks". The Ride the Ducks tour is on this open air bus (a.k.a. Duck) that drives on land and in the water. It was about an hour and a half tour of the coolest sites in Seattle. The Duck's driver was crazy and made us laugh so hard throughout the ride. He had various crazy hats and played crazy songs the entire time. It was a memorable way to enjoy the sights and sounds of the City.

One always thinks of Seattle as the rainy city, but the entire time we were there it didn't rain on us at all. It was a beautiful crisp sunny day!

This was the only view we had from the Space Needle...from the bottom! We weren't about to pay $14 a head to go up to the observation deck 500 feet in the air and all have panick attacks! There were plenty of attractions on the ground for us to see. And let me tell you...Seattle is in love with the random large, often abstract, art piece. There is a "sculpture" on virtually every corner. Even a huge stairway on the side of a building that leads to nowhere.

We meandered the streets of the Pike Street Market early Saturday morning. Forget the people throwing 20 pound fish...this right here just might be MY favorite place in Seattle...a Choclatier. They had the most magnificent treats. I must say...it is the only place we visited twice. They had the most delightful little caramel and chocolate covered marshmallows on a stick (trip numero uno) and caramel/chocolate/candy covered apples on a stick (trip numero dos)!

The whole thing is just one huge farmers market. There were so many fascinating little shops and street vendors. There were bakeries, flowers, produce, cheese, fresh sea food, and all sorts of souvenir shops.

We got some fabulous pictures. There is a link on this page to our online photo album so you can see all the fun times we had on our venture to the other side of Washington! Wish you all could have been there with us! Posted by Picasa

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